Milinda’s Questions: Vol II
Milinda’s Questions
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Nāgasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Milindapañha.
Tr. I.B. Horner
Milinda’s Questions
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Nāgasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Milindapañha.
Tr. I.B. Horner
Milinda’s Questions
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Nāgasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Milindapañha.
Tr. I.B. Horner
Milinda’s Questions
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Nāgasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Milindapañha.
Tr. I.B. Horner
2 volumes
Milinda’s Questions
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Nāgasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
Translation of Milindapañha.
Tr. I.B. Horner
2 volumes
Popular prose text in the form of a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Milinda (Menander) and a Buddhist monk called Nāgasena. (2nd century B.C.E.)
ed. V. Trenckner, 1880; ṭīkā, ed. P.S. Jaini, 1961, reprinted as one volume 1986
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