Itivuttaka Commentary: Vol I/2

Commentary on the Itivuttaka by Dhammapāla. (6th century C.E.?)

ed. M.m. Bose

  • Vol. I: (1934) and Vol. II (1936) reprinted as one volume 1977;

Itivuttaka Commentary

Commentary on the Itivuttaka by Dhammapāla. (6th century C.E.?)

ed. M.m. Bose

  • Vol. I: (1934) and Vol. II (1936) reprinted as one volume 1977;
  • Vol. III:  (1980) Indexes by H. Kopp


Fourth book in the Khuddaka-nikāya of the Sutta-piṭaka, it consists of 112 short discourses written in a mixture of prose and verse.

ed. E. Windisch, 1889, 1975, 2010

Translations: The Itivuttaka; Verses of Uplift in Minor Anthologies Vol. II.