The eleventh book of the Khuddaka-nikāya of the Sutta-piṭaka is divided into two parts, each containing a commentary considered to be canonical.
Both the Mahāniddesa and Cullaniddesa comment on texts from the Suttanipāta. (Not later than the 1st century BCE)
3 Volumes:
- Vol I/II: Mahāniddesa: ed. L. de La Vallée Poussin and E.J. Thomas, 2 volumes, 1916, 1917, reprinted as one volume 1978
- Vol III: Cullaniddesa: ed. W. Stede, 1918, 1988
- Vol IV: Index to the Mahāniddesa: L.S. Cousins, 1995. (Computer-generated index to the first part of the Niddesa.)
- Niddesa Set: 3 Volumes (including Index volume)
These texts are not currently available in translation.