Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XX (1994)
- The Pāli Apadāna Collection (Sally Mellick Cutler);
- South Asian Flora as Reflected in the Twelfth-Century Pāli Lexicon Abhidhānappadīpikā (Jinadasa Liyanaratne);
- Kāmaloka: A Rare Pāli Loan Word in Old Javanese? (Max Nihom);
- Vimuttimagga and Abhayagiri: The Form-Aggregate According to the Saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaviniṡcaya (Peter Skilling);
- Pāli Lexicographical Studies XII: Ten Pāli Etymologies (K.R. Norman) (= (a)pi, abhijāna, assa = yassa, kañcana, kañcanadepiccha, khuddā/khudda(ka), je, dhoreyya, bārasa, sadhāyamānarūpa).
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