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- Yamaka: Set of 2 Volumes
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- Yamaka
- Word of the Doctrine
- Geiger's Pāli Grammar
- Von Hinüber's Selected Papers
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- Vinaya-piṭaka: Volume V
- Vinaya-piṭaka: Volume IV
- Vinaya-piṭaka: Volume III
- Vinaya-piṭaka: Volume II
- Vinaya-piṭaka: Volume I
- Vinaya-piṭaka: Set of 5 Volumes (plus the Index Volume)
- Vinaya-piṭaka
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- Vimānavatthu Commentary (Paramatthadīpanī III)
- Vimāna Stories
- Vibhaṅga Commentary (Sammoha-vinodanī)
- Vibhaṅga
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- Udāna Commentary: Vol II
- Udāna Commentary: Vol I
- Udāna Commentary: 2 volume set
- Udāna Commentary
- Udāna Commentary
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- Theragāthā & Therīgāthā
- Theragāthā Commentary (Paramatthadīpanī V): Volume III
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- Theragāthā Commentary (Paramatthadīpanī V): 3 Volume Set
- Theragāthā Commentary (Paramatthadīpanī V)
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- The Teaching of Vimalakīrti
- The Suttanipāta: An Ancient Collection of the Buddha's Discourses Together with its Commentaries
- The Sūtra of Golden Light
- The Summary of the Topics of Abhidhamma and Exposition of the Topics of Abhidhamma
- The Story of Gotama Buddha
- The Rhinoceros Horn
- The Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara
- The Path of Purity
- The Path of Discrimination
- The Pāli Dhātupāṭha and Dhātumañjūsā
- The Ornament of Lay Followers: Ānanda's Upāsakajanālaṅkāra
- The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha
- The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning
- The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
- The Jātaka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births: Volumes 5 & 6
- The Jātaka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births: Volumes 3 & 4
- The Jātaka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births: Volumes I & 2
- The Jātaka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births: 3 volume set
- The Jātaka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births
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- The Guide
- The Group of Discourses
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- The Expositor
- The Debates Commentary
- The Commentary on the Verses of the Therīs
- The Commentary on the Itivuttaka: Vol II
- The Commentary on the Itivuttaka: Vol I
- The Commentary on the Itivuttaka: 2 volume set
- The Commentary on the Itivuttaka
- The Clarifier of the Sweet Meaning
- The Catalogue of Manuscripts in the U Pho Thi Library, Thaton, Myanmar
- The Casket of Medicine
- The Buddha's Last Days: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta
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- The Book of the Kindred Sayings: Vol IV
- The Book of the Kindred Sayings: Vol III (paperback)
- The Book of the Kindred Sayings: Vol II
- The Book of the Kindred Sayings: Vol I
- The Book of the Kindred Sayings: 5 volumes
- The Book of the Kindred Sayings: 5 volume set
- The Book of the Gradual Sayings, 5 volumes
- The Book of the Discipline, Vol. VI
- The Book of the Discipline, Vol. V
- The Book of the Discipline, Vol. IV
- The Book of the Discipline, Vol. III
- The Book of the Discipline, Vol. II
- The Book of the Discipline, Vol. I
- The Book of the Discipline: Complete Set of 6 Volumes
- The Book of the Discipline, 6 volumes
- The Book of Pairs and its Commentary: A translation of the Yamaka and Yamakappakaraṇaṭṭhakathā, Vol. III
- The Book of Pairs and its Commentary: A translation of the Yamaka and Yamakappakaraṇaṭṭhakathā, Vol. II
- The Book of Pairs and its Commentary: A translation of the Yamaka and Yamakappakaraṇaṭṭhakathā, Vol. I
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- The Book of Gradual Sayings: Vol IV (paperback)
- The Book of Gradual Sayings: Vol III
- The Book of Gradual Sayings: Vol II
- The Book of Gradual Sayings: Vol I (paperback)
- The Book of Gradual Sayings: 5 Volume Set
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- Sumaṅgalavilāsinī: Volume II
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- Sumaṅgalavilāsinī: Set of 3 Volumes
- Sumaṅgalavilāsinī
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- Stances des Thera
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- Saddanīti: Set of 3 Volumes
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- Saṃyutta-nikāya: Set of 6 Volumes
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- Points of Controversy
- Poems of Early Buddhist Nuns
- Poems of Early Buddhist Monks
- Piṭaka Disclosure
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- Petavatthu
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- Papañcasūdanī: 4 Volume Set
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- Pāli Tipiṭakaṃ Concordance: Set of 3 Volumes
- Pāli Tipiṭakaṃ Concordance
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- Pāli Metre
- Pāli Literature Transmitted in Central Siam
- Pali–English Dictionary
- Pali Canon in Pali (Tipiṭaka), Set
- Pāli Canon in English Translation, Set
- Pāli Aṭṭhakathā Correspondence Table
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- Paṭisambhidāmagga Commentary (Saddhammappakāsinī): Volume I
- Paṭisambhidāmagga Commentary (Saddhammappakāsinī): 2 Volume Set
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- Paṭisambhidāmagga
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- Paṭṭhāna: 2 Volume Set
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- Oberlies's Pāli Grammar: Vol I
- Oberlies's Pāli Grammar: Set of 2 Volumes
- Oberlies's Pāli Grammar
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- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.7
- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.6 (Paperback)
- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.5
- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.4
- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.3
- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.2
- Norman's Collected Papers Vol.1
- Norman's Collected Papers: 8 Volume Set
- Norman's Collected Papers
- Norman's Collected Papers
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- Niddesa Commentary (Saddhammapajjotikā): Vol I/II
- Niddesa Commentary (Saddhammapajjotikā): 2 Volume Set
- Niddesa Commentary (Saddhammapajjotikā)
- Niddesa: 3 Volume Set
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- Milinda's Questions: Vol I
- Milinda's Questions: 2 volume set
- Milinda's Questions
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- Middle Length Sayings: 3 volume set
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- Manorathapūraṇ: Vol IV
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- Manorathapūraṇ: 5 Volume Set
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- Majjhima-nikāya: Vol III
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- Majjhima-nikāya: 4 Volume Set
- Majjhima-nikāya
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- Khuddakapāṭha with Commentary (Paramatthajotikā I)
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- Kathāvatthu: Index
- Kathāvatthuppakaraṇa-aṭṭhakathā
- Kathāvatthu: 2 Volume Set
- Kathāvatthu
- Kaccāyana and Kaccāyanavutti
- Kaṅkhāvitaraṇī
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXXIV (2021) (Paperback)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXXIII (2018) (Paperback)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXXII (2015) (Paperback)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXXI (2012)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXX (2009)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXVII (2002)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXVI (2000)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXV (1999)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXIX (2007) [Festschrift]
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXIV (1998)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXIII (1997)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXII (1996)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XXI (1995)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XX (1994)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XVIII (1993)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XVII (1992)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XVI (1992)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XV (1990)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XIX (1993)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XIV (1990)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XII (1988)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. XI (1987)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. VIII (1924-27)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. VI (1908-12)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. IX (1981)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. IV (1890-6)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. III (1888-9)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Vol. 35 (2024) (Paperback)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society: Index (1973)
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- Jātaka with Commentary: 7 Volume Set
- Jātaka with Commentary
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- Itivuttaka Commentary: 2 Volume Set
- Itivuttaka Commentary
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- Index to the Jātaka
- Index to the Gandhavaṃsa
- Index to the Dīgha-nikāya
- Index to the Dhammasaṅgaṇī
- Index to the Aṅguttara-nikāya
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- Elders' Verses - prose
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- Dīgha-nikāya Sub-commentary (Līnatthapakāsinī): Set of 3 Volumes
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- Dhammapada Commentary: 4 volume set
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- Cūlavaṃsa
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- Connected Discourses of the Buddha: 2 volume set
- Connected Discourses of the Buddha
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- Conditional Relations: 2 volume set
- Conditional Relations
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- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library: Vol VI
- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library: Vol V
- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library: Vol IV
- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library: Vol III
- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library: Vol II
- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library: Vol I
- Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in The British Library
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- Buddhist Legends: 3 volume set
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- A Dictionary of Pāli
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- A Critical Pāli Dictionary: Vol III
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- A Critical Pāli Dictionary: Vol. II.17 (unbound fascicle)
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- A Critical Pāli Dictionary: Epilegomena
- A Critical Pāli Dictionary
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